Home » Flowers That Start With D | 21 Stunning Flowers

Flowers That Start With D | 21 Stunning Flowers

Are you celebrating a special event? Or are you looking for a new addition to your gardening collection? Well, I have compiled a list of the best flowers that start with D just for you!

Beautiful garden of flowers

From the fragile Daffodil to the striking Desert Rose, this prepossessing list of flowers is bound to reveal the hidden beauties that nature holds while giving you some vital gardening tips in the process.

So, sit back, relax and get ready to learn about the most stunning flowers that start with D.

1. Dandelion

Flowers that start with D - Dandelion

Dandelions are relatives of the Sunflowers and are one of the healthiest flowers that start with D. They contain vitamins K, A, C, D, B, Calcium, Potassium, and Zinc, act as immune boosters and detox your body.

Legends state that the white ball of the dandelion represents the moon, the yellow flower represents the sun, and the dispersing seeds represent the stars, making the dandelion the only flower to represent all 3 of the celestial bodies.

  • Water: Test soil every 2-3 days. If the soil is dry, water the dandelions deeply.
  • Soil PH: pH over 7
  • Sun: Full sunlight

2. Daffodil

Flowers that start with D - Daffodil

Daffodils are part of the amaryllis family and are symbolic of new beginnings. Their bright yellow color makes them one of the most alluring flowers that start with a D.

They are star-shaped and have a second, smaller flower inside them, giving them a “flower within a flower” effect. You’ll never see a daffodil stand alone since they always stand in groups and a field of daffodils can bloom for decades!

  • Water: Water every 4 days
  • Soil PH: around 6.0
  • Sun: Partial sun

3. Dahlia

Group of pink Dahlia flowers in the garden.

The Dahlia is, by far, one of my favorite flowers that start with D due to its unique colors and texture. It’s a member of the Asteraceae family and native to Central America and Mexico.

Do you hear wedding bells ringing? Well, Dahlias are often considered to be good luck to have at your wedding. ( Just a hint of advice.) Also, quite surprisingly, there are over 30 species of Dahlias to choose from for your wedding!

  • Water: Water deeply 2-3 times a week
  • Soil PH: 6.5-7.0
  • Sun: Half-day sun 

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4. Desert Rose

Flowers that start with D - Desert Rose

The Desert Rose is one of the most striking, but poisonous flowers that start with D on this list. Its thick, twisted trunk and bright pink flowers make it look as if the Brothers Grimm met Disney in a twisted fairytale.

The Desert rose is native to regions south of the Sahara, South Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. It is considered to be a succulent and grows to be 3-9 feet tall.

  • Water: Every 3-4 weeks
  • Soil PH: around 6.0
  • Sun: Partial sun

5. Dalmation Iris

Flowers that start with D - Dalmation Iris

The Dalmation Iris is also known as the Sweet Iris and is a member of the Iridaceae family. Contrary to popular belief, the flower is not named after the dog breed, but rather after the city that it is native to which is Dalmatia, Croatia.

The flower stretches up to 34 inches and has a sweet aroma and light purple flowers that resemble violets.

  • Water: Water deeply every 3-4 weeks
  • Soil PH: 6.8 to 7.0
  • Sun: Full sun

6. Daisy

Flowers that start with D - Daisy

Oopsy daisy! This is probably one of the most popular flowers that start with D and a beautiful one too. The Daisy is part of the Asteraceae family and grows to be between 7 centimeters to 1 meter in length.

Believe it or not, Daisies also have symbolic meanings linked to them. In fact, in Celtic legends, daisies represent purity and innocence which are two things that most humans strive for. Being as pure and innocent as a daisy!

  • Water: Every 3-5 days
  • Soil PH: 6.0-8.0
  • Sun: Full sun

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7. Delosperma

Crimson Delosperma cooperi. Jewel of the Desert Garnet.

Delosperma is one of the only flowers that start with D that thrives in rocky terrains, making them fairly hardcore flowers( no pun intended.) They are a part of the Aizoaceae family and are native to drier parts of South Africa.

They don’t seem to be much of winter lovers since they only bloom in the spring, summer, and fall, but then again most wildlife hibernates during winter. Delosperma comes in a variety of colors and is truly a sight to behold.

  • Water: Every 2 weeks
  • Soil PH: Sandy loam or gravelly soils
  • Sun: Full sun

8. Dittany

Flowers that start with D - Dittany

Dittany is the most tender and magical plant that starts with D.In fact, in magical myth, Dittany was used as a powerful healing potion. It is a perennial plant and is native to the woodlands and prairies of the eastern United States.

On top of that Dittany also has a variety of health benefits including assisting with headaches, stomaching spasms, and aiding in childbirth. What an amazing plant!

  • Water: Wait for the soil to dry before watering the plant again
  • Soil PH:7-9
  • Sun: Partial sun to medium shade

9. Dew Flower

Flowers that start with D - Dew Flower

Dew Flower ( also known as Drosanthemum) is a colorful, flower-bearing succulent that is native to areas of South Africa where it rains in winter.

In my opinion, this is one of the most exuberant combinations of flowers that start with D since their colors simply pop out. The plant also grows to be 2.5 feet in size which leaves plenty of space for the vibrant flowers.

  • Water: 1 inch of water per week
  • Soil PH: 6.5 to 7.5
  • Sun: Full sun

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10. Dutchman’s Breeches

Dutchman's Breeches Wildflower

Hold onto your breeches because you’re about to witness one of the most amazing flowers that start with D, namely Dutchman’s Breeches.

Dutchman’s Breeches (also known as Dicentra cucullaria) is a part of the poppy family that likes to live in subtropical climates. They grow 6-12 inches tall and are native to eastern North America. 

  • Water: Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering the plant again
  • Soil PH: 6.8 to 7.2
  • Sun: Partial shade-full shade

11. Dyers Chamomile

Beautiful blooming dyer's chamomile

Dryers chamomile is part of the daisy family and can be identified by its deep yellow petals and green stems. It is more commonly known as the Golden marguerite and is native to Southern Europe.

Since Dyers Chamomile is part of the sunflower family, it doesn’t come as much of a shock that it is one of the medicinally beneficial flowers that start with D. It is an antispasmodic, diaphoretic, and emmenagogue.

  • Water: About 1 inch of water weekly
  • Soil PH: 6.5 to 7.5
  • Sun: Full sun

12. Dalmation Bellflower

Flowers that start with D - Dalmation Bellflower

The Dalmation Bellflower is another one of the flowers that start with D that is not to be confused with the dog breed. It is, in fact, named after its native turf, the Dalmatian Mountains.

It is also part of the Campanulaceae family and can be identified by its small, four, deep, purple-petaled flowers. These flowers bloom from early spring to summer and grow up to 8 inches in length and 24 inches in width.

  • Water: Water weekly
  • Soil PH: 6.6 to 8.5
  • Sun: full sun to part shade

13. Desert Marigold

Desert Marigold

Desert Marigolds are also some of the more popular flowers that start with D and are a part of the Asteraceae family. They are commonly used for their healing properties and can be used as antiseptics if you make a flower head potion.

(This is pretty enchanting in my opinion and makes the whole idea of the desert Marigold anciently magical.) The flower is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States and can be identified by its deep yellow petals.

  • Water: Low water requirements. Only water the plant occasionally for the best bloom.
  • Soil PH: 6.6-9.0
  • Sun: Full sun to partial shade.

14. Drumstick flower

Flowers that start with D - Drumstick Flower

The drumstick flower is also known as the moringa flower and it is one of the healthiest flowers that start with D. When you cook and consume it, it tastes like a mushroom and offers a variety of yummy health benefits.

For starters, it protects your liver, gives you healthy hair and skin, and treats mood disorders( because a healthy you is a happy you).

It also strengthens your bones, treats stomach disorders, and helps to prevent cancer. There is almost nothing that the drumstick flower can’t do!

Water: Once a week

Soil PH: 6.3 to 7.0

Sun: Full sun

15. Dahlberg Daisy

Dahlberg Daisy

The Dahlberg Daisy is a member of the Asteraceae family and another one of the great, medicinally beneficial flowers that start with D.

They can be identified by their bright and perky yellow blossoms from early summer to early fall and are native to south-central Texas and northern Mexico.

Medicinally, the Dahlberg Daisy is used to treat coughs, bronchitis, kidney liver disorders, so be sure to keep some on hand during the flu season!

  • Water: Only water the plant when the soil is dry 
  • Soil PH: 6.8 or higher
  • Sun: Full sun

16. Digitalis

Group of purple foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea)

Digitalis, also known as foxgloves, is a member of the Plantaginaceae family and is native to northwest Africa, Europe, and western Asia.

It is most commonly used as a treatment for heart conditions, but it is recommended to undergo this treatment under medical supervision since an overdose of the plant can cause Digitalis toxicity.

Other than that, the plant can be identified by its cone-like, purple flower bunches and its green stem that reaches between 3.9–13.8 inches in length.

  • Water: 1 inch of water, once a week
  • Soil PH: 4.5 to 8.3
  • Sun: Full sun to partial shade

17. Daphne

Daphne odora in full bloom in the rain.

Daphnes are some of the most fragrant flowers that start with D and are known for their vibrantly colored berries.

Unfortunately, Daphnes are also highly poisonous to humans and small animals so I wouldn’t recommend eating any of their berries, regardless of how tantalizing they look.

The flower blooms from February to March and can grow up to 4 feet in length. It is native to North Africa, Asia, and Europe making it quite a diverse flower.

  • Water: Water deeply every 2 weeks
  • Soil PH: between 5.5 and 6.4
  • Sun: Full sun or partial shade

18. Dianella Tasmanica

Closeup view of a Dianella tasmanica Variegata also known as Tasman Flax Lily

Dianella Tasmanica is part of the Asphodelaceae family and is native to southeastern Australia. Its leaves stretch as far as 80cm in length which is high in terms of normal plant leaves.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can see tiny, dark blue flowers bloom between the giant leaves during the springtime and they are truly a sight to behold, even from a distance.

  • Water: 1 to 2 inches of water weekly
  • Soil PH: Acidic to neutral
  • Sun: Light shade or partial sun

19. Dame’s Rocket

Flowers that start with D - Dames Rocket

Dame’s rocket belongs to the mustard family and is, therefore, one of the deliciously edible flowers that start with D.

You can add it to a boring salad to make it a mind-blowing salad or simply nibble on it if you’re trying to decide whether you’re hungry or not.

Dame’s rocket flowers are usually white, purple, or lilac in color and the plant can grow up to 3 feet in length.

It’s native to Eurasia, but due to the fact that the flower is fragrant at night but scentless during the day, some believe that it symbolizes deceit. (That’s a bit dark if you ask me. Yikes!)

  • Water: 1 inch of water per week
  • Soil PH: 6-7.5
  • Sun: Full sun to partial shade 

20. Dove Tree

Davidia involucrata - Flowers that start with D

On a lighter note, let’s take a look at some flowers that have got to be a good omen and these flowers belong to the Dove Tree.

The Dove tree is native to southwestern China and belongs to the Nyssaceae family. It typically blooms from April to May and is between 20-60 feet tall.

The shape of the trees’ flowers is rather bizarre and open to interpretation which is why the tree has so many names.

Some call it the handkerchief tree, some call it the ghost tree, while others stick to the Dove tree. You’ll just need to see it for yourself and make your own interpretation!

  • Water: Rainwater
  • Soil PH: Natural soil levels
  • Sun: Full sun

21. Daylily

Flowers that start with D - Daylily

The daylily is one of the most beautiful flowers that start with D and it’s native to North America and Asia. It is part of the Asphodelaceae and is commonly known for its bright, multi-colored blooms that can be achieved by merging two one-colored plants in a crossbreeding process.

Contrary to popular belief, the daylily isn’t really a lily. Since it is a member of the Asphodelaceae family, it is more similar to plants such as the Aloe Vera plant. That still doesn’t take away from the daylily’s stunning features. I mean, who wouldn’t fall in love with this spectacle?

  • Water: Every second week before flowering and once a week when in flower 
  • Soil PH: 6.0 and 6.5
  • Sun: Full sun


When it comes to looking for flowers that start with D, you will find anything and everything from edible and ornamental to medicinal and awe-striking. Nature is such a dynamic gift and it has given us a plant or a flower for every one of our needs.

Whether you’re looking to sprinkle something over a salad, or whether you’re looking to have the best-looking garden in the neighborhood, there are plants that start with D for every need. You just have to look hard enough! For more on flowers check out our site HomeTempus.com.